Pasacal Medical Mission Organization

School Health Program(SHP)

School Health Program (SHP)

PMMO had launched a carry out mission of protection and well-being of school going children. In the Year 2002 to 2003, PMMO introduce a School Health Program (SHP) in different districts of Pakistan. Approximately 11263 schools were included in this program.  During this period one thousand (Approx.) Primary Schools’ children were screened for visual ability, hearing ability, dental health and skin problems. The findings were followings; 

  • 13% students had week eye sight.
  • 21% students had eye diseases.
  • 05% students had weak hearing.
  • 92% students had ear problems.
  • 29% students had dental problem.
  • 29% students had skin problem.
  • 29% students had neuron problems.
  • 9% students had hepatitis.
  • 0% students had lungs diseases.
  • 10% students had abdominal worms.
  • 2% students had heart related problems.
  • 1% students had hormonal disorder.
  • 1% students had blood disorder.

 It is undoubtedly a comprehensive and dynamic health care program. PMMO (SHP) awareness campaignis still continued at different schoolsat the nearby localities.

 It is undoubtedly a comprehensive and dynamic health care program. PMMO (SHP) awareness campaignis still continued at different schoolsat the nearby localities.

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