Pasacal Medical Mission Organization

Introduction & Chairman’s Message

Chairman's Message

Dr. Ali Ahmed is the Chairman of Board of Governor of Pascal medical Mission Organization. He is also Chairman of the Pasture Pharmaceuticals, which was established in 2007.

“I think healthy minds, necessary awareness, technical skills, satisfying employment and legal protection can establish a society, which ensures peace, brotherhood and harmony among the rich, the poor, the white, the black, the Muslim, the Christian, the educated, the uneducated, continuity of values, respect of humanity and especially regards for the elder people. I want to make people well aware, healthy minded, highly skilled, properly employed and legally protected, so that an exemplary prosperous society should be emerged.”

Our History

PASCAL Medical Mission Organization (PMMO) is a social, non-profit, non-political, non-religious organization.PMMO get registered in year 2012 under the Societies Act XX, of 1860 at Lahore. It was established aiming to serve the suffering humanity, irrespective of caste, class, age, color, creed, gender, race, ethnicity and boundary.  

Unlike most of its contemporary NGOS, which came into being in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Pascal Medical Mission Organization was not a consequence of any particular such an incident. PMMOwas found in 2001 by Dr. Ali Ahmed and a group of doctors who were realized that most of the people in the society are not well aware of the spread of infectious diseases such as Hepatitis, HIV/Aids,Tuberculosis,and Typhoid etc.

He delivered lectures on infectious diseases in the schools and colleges with his fellow Doctors.In addition, they conducted Hepatitis-B vaccination and Screening Camps in thousands of schools and colleges.Thousands of school children and others were vaccinated.Pascal Medical Mission Organization is pretty committed to uplift standard of living of the marginalized segment of society. It is striving tremendously to provide people health, education, skills, employment and protection.

The main objects of the Organization are to aid, assist, setup, maintain, administer and run clinic, dispensaries, immunization and vaccination centers etc. To establish, maintain own administer and subsidize educational institutions etc.

Our Vision

” To form a peaceful healthy and humane society, in which every individual can enjoy proper health, due awareness, technical education, fair employment, and legal protection, without any discrimination especially to encourage women and facilitate minorities.”

Our Mission

” To enable the suppressed portion of the society to enjoy hygienic life, reliable sanitation, considerable medication, necessary qualification technical skills, regarded placement, and paramount confidence through advocacy and awareness programs, vocational training, and legal aid. To abolish discrimination among communities and create love, harmony, fraternity, and peace among the communities.

Our Goal

To have a well govern democratic and harmonious society, enjoying all rights and laborites without any abeyance.  To create such society free from diseases, where people are healthy and wealthy. 

Aims & Objectives

  1.     To provide essential medical facilities and amities to the deprived community.

2.     To enlighten the minds of unaware people through motivation, mobilization, capacity building programs and universally            recognized methodology.

3.     Fighting for healthy environment and combat viral and other diseases.

4.     Disaster preparedness programs like dengue or other diseases.

5.     Preventing program against spreading of diseases and providing medicine to underprivileged.

6.     Special focus on maternal health of women of our community.

7.     Establishing mobile hospitals and laboratories for rehabilitation and diagnostic programs.

8.     To take initiative for the promotion of education and skills development through establishment of institutions.

9.     To provide scholarship for intelligent and industrious poor students.

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