Iqra Eman(Consultant speech and language pathologist)
Intellectually disabled child is the child who’s intelligence level is below the average the onset of this disorder is during the development period of child .The child with ID cannot solve problems of life .Have problem with communication ,Abstract thinking ,Judgmental thinking ,Academic learning .The children with ID have problems of socialization they have problem at home, at school ,work &community .They can be trained with if they come during early age ,early &ongoing therapies may improve the functioning and abilities.if the IQ intelligence level is less than 70-75 the individual is intellectually disabled . *WHAT CAN YOU DO IF YOUR CHILD INTELLECTUALLY DISABLED ?*First you have to evaluate your child is disabled or not by proper assessments with professionals and give continue therapeutical sessions with professionals . *FOR BETTER PARENTING:*Encourage the child’s abilities ,independence ,provide guidance when it is needed and never forget give positive rewards or feedbacks about a well activity of child .Stay connected with your child ‘s emotions .