Pasacal Medical Mission Organization


Dr. Sidra Tul Muntaha

Oral diseases pose a major health burden. Dental care is expensive in many countries
and approach is limited especially in current circumstances of corona . By educating
masses through media and e-education many dental and oral issues can be dealt witH
beforehand . Here is some brief summary of some dental and oral issues.


Basic cause of tooth caries is carbohydrates that accumulate on tooth . Bacteria
in our mouth attack them and convert them into acid which then starts rotting the tooth
. So continued high intake of sugary foods, inadequate exposure to flouride and lack of
removal of plaque by toothbrushing can lead to caries,infection , pain and sometimes
PREVENTION from caries is by proper brushing , use of flouridated tooth paste , decrease
intake of sugary food especially refined sugar . Acidic foods and beverages (coke) lead to
erosion of teeth . Increased intake of calcium especially upto 8 years of age is essential
for development of strong teeth making them resistant to caries.
TREATMENT of cavities depends on how severe they are.Treatment options include
FLOURIDE TREATMENTS: If cavity just started, flouride treatment may help restore
tooth’s enamel and can sometimes reverse cavity progression .
FILLINGS AND CROWNS: Fillings are the main treatment options when decay has
progressed beyond the earliest stage. For extensive decay or weak tooth a crown might
be needed.
ROOT CANALS: When decay reaches inner part of tooth and it becomes painful,root
canal treatment is needed in which diseased part of tooth’s roots is removed and
replaced with medication and filling.
TOOTH EXRACTION: If tooth becomes severely decayed beyond restoration then it must
be removed .


Improper brushing can lead to accumulation of plaque around teeth near gums that
develops into calculus which is hard to remove by simple tooth brushing.It can lead to
swelling of gums, bleeding, pain and bad breath. In more severe cases gums and
supporting bone of teeth move away from the tooth causing teeth to become loose and
eventually all out.
PREVENTION from gum diseases is by proper brushing technique. Diet rich in fiber also
helps cleaning plaque . Diet rich in vitamin C (orange),calcium(milk ,nuts) whole grains
help our gums to become stronger . SMOKING is also a significant risk factor for gum
TREATMENT options depend upon progression of disease which include
SCALING AND POLISHING which is scraping plaque and tartar from teeth using special
instruments then polish to remove marks or stains.
ROOT PLANING is deep cleaning under the gums to get rid o debris from the roots.
SURGICAL TREATMENTS are also available to lift up bone and gums . In some cases it is
necessary to remove the affected tooth.


Oral cancer is one of the 10 most common cancers in the world. It usually
appears as painless ulcer in the mouth . Any ulcer that remains unresolved in your
mouth for more than 7-14 days should be suspected as cancer. Other symptoms include
a white or red patch inside mouth, Loose teeth , A growth or lump inside mouth or neck,
Mouth pain, Ear pain, Diffficult or painful swallowing.
PREVENTION: Smoking and chewing tobacco , betel quid(paan) and alcohol
consumption are considered major risk factors for oral cancers. Excessive exposure to
sun also increases the risk of cancer. Poor diet and a weak immune system also increase
the chances of developing cancer. Brocoli, cauliflower and cabbage are excellent choices
for preventing oral cancer.
TREATMENT for oral cancer depends upon the type , location and stage of cancer.
SURGERY : Treatment for early stages involves surgery to remove tumor and other
affected areas around mouth and neck .
RADIATION THERAPY: Involves aiming radiation beams at the tumor. Advanced
stages of cancer need radio therapy.
CHEMOTHERAPY: It is a treatment with drugs that kill cancer cells .


Malalignment of teeth is because of improper positioning of teeth and
bones in our mouth.It can be due to many reasons like

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