HERE is Iqra Eman .I am speech and language pathologist and member of Pascal Medical Mission Organization .Here we will make an attempt to understand you the importance of communication and disorders related with communication. Communication is mandatory to the human experience. Since early civilization, man has devised endless means for sharing information, thoughts, ideas, feelings, needs, etc., — non-verbally through gestures, signs, actions, cave drawings, the beating of drums, and verbally . In short the acquisition of speech and language is considered a dynamic skill innate to the human species. We experience world through senses, by communicating with each other and with our surroundings. Communication disorders can have a significant impact on our physical, emotional, social, vocational and other health problems .With the help of speech language pathologist we can prevent ,assess and treat speech, language, voice, swallowing cognitive and communication disorders .A research conducted in Karachi to gauge the number of those affected with speech impairment. It concluded that an estimated over 22 million individuals in an overall population of over 160 million suffered from speech, language, swallowing and/or hearing disorders. Pascal medical mission organization (PMMA), a nongovernmental, noncommercial, voluntary organization to draft a programme that would cater to little children, adults and their families suffering from speech, language, hearing and/or swallowing disorders.

Speech and Language Pathologist
- Post author:Webpascal
- Post published:April 9, 2021
- Post category:Language Therapy
- Post comments:4 Comments
very good information
may Allah give success PMMA
Very gud information
Very good Information